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Safe Amalgam Removal in Chapel Hill, NC

Amalgam Filling Removal in Chapel Hill, NC

SMART-certified dentist in Chapel Hill

Dental amalgam has been used to fill cavities and treat tooth decay for years. Dental amalgam, also known as silver fillings, is a metal mixture that includes liquid mercury, silver, copper, and tin. Although amalgam fillings are still used in many dental offices, they can expose patients to mercury vapors, which can have negative health consequences.

At Integrative Holistic Dentistry, we do not place amalgam fillings. Instead, as part of our holistic and biological dentistry services in Chapel Hill, NC we offer safe amalgam filling to improve our patients’ oral health. 

Safe Mercury Amalgam Removal With Our Rejuvenation Dentist

Metal Amalgam Filling.

Our rejuvenation dentist, Dr. Mensah, maintains a professional membership with the International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology (IAOMT). As such, Integrative Holistic Dentistry is a S-M-A-R-T Certified practice. 

This means that we have undergone extensive training and certification in order to safely remove amalgam fillings in Chapel Hill, NC. For mercury amalgam removal, we adhere to the IAOMT's research-based protocol.


The IAOMT has strict standards that govern amalgam filling removal procedures. These standards help to ensure the health and safety of the patients, dental staff, and environment. 

During amalgam removal procedures, our holistic dental team in Chapel Hill strives to reduce exposure to the mercury vapors released. To ensure everyone's safety, we adhere to the IAOMT's standards. The protocol for removing dental amalgam fillings safely includes the use of:

  • Rubber Dam Or Isolite Isolation

  • Separate Oxygen Source For Patient

  • High-Volume Suction

  • Dental Air Vacuum

  • Vapor Masks And Coverage For The Dentist And Assistant

  • Charcoal Or Chlorella For The Patient To Rinse And Swallow

  • Drapes And Barriers To Cover The Patient

  • Water Spray To Suppress Mercury

  • Sectioning The Amalgam

  • Rinse For The Patient’s Mouth

For more detailed information on the precise technique used to remove amalgam fillings, please visit

Alternatives to Amalgam Fillings From Your Chapel Hill Biological Dentist

Dental procedures can now be carried out without the use of amalgam materials. Composite resin, ceramic, gold, and other materials are common amalgam substitutes. Most people prefer direct composite dental fillings because the white coloring matches the tooth better, and the cost is reasonable. 

Composite fillings look natural, are durable and long-lasting, and are metal-free and safe for patients to use.

Patients who are unsure can also take a dental biocompatibility test. This assists in determining which treatment options and filling materials may be appropriate. Our rejuvenation dentist in Chapel Hill refers to the Clifford Materials Reactivity Testing for biocompatibility testing.

A patient's blood sample is sent to a laboratory during a biocompatibility test. It is tested for antibodies to the chemical ingredients used in dental products there. When the results are returned, the patient is given a detailed list of dental materials that are safe and those that may cause an allergic reaction.

Your Source for Safe Amalgam Removal in Chapel Hill, NC

For more information on safe mercury filling removal or biocompatibility testing as well as our holistic and biological dentistry services in Chapel Hill, NC, contact our team to schedule an appointment for amalgam filling removal. We look forward to hearing from you!