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Chapel Hill Dentist Explains How To Speed Up Healing After Oral Surgery

Undergoing oral and maxillofacial surgery can be a necessary but daunting experience. Whether you've undergone wisdom tooth removal, amalgam removal, dental implant placement, or corrective jaw surgery, proper post-operative care is crucial for minimizing complications and ensuring a speedy and smooth recovery.

At Integrative Holistic Dentistry, we provide holistic dentistry in Chapel Hill, NC to improve our patients' health and speed up their recovery. In this post, we’ll talk about some of the most effective strategies to help you heal quickly after oral surgery.

How Long Does It Take for Gums to Heal After Oral Surgery?

The healing time for gums after oral surgery can vary depending on the type and complexity of your surgical procedure. However, the initial healing process generally takes about 2 to 3 days. During this time, you may experience some discomfort, swelling, and tenderness in the surgical area.

After the initial healing period, it can take several more days for the gums to heal fully and for the surgical site to remodel completely. This process is gradual and can vary from person to person. However, by following the instructions you receive from your Chapel Hill holistic dentist, Dr. Ralph K. Mensah, you can look forward to a speedy and stress-free recovery.

What To Do After Oral Surgery

While healing time can vary depending on the type and complexity of your oral surgery procedure, there are several steps you can take to promote a speedy and smooth recovery. These include:

Rest At Home

Rest and relaxation are essential for a swift recovery after oral surgery. Getting sufficient rest will help your body focus its energy on healing so you can return to your normal daily activities as soon as possible. Dr. Mensah recommends taking a few days off work or school to allow yourself to rest and recover.

Try to get enough sleep each night and consider taking short naps during the day if needed. Limit physical activities and avoid strenuous exercise for the first few days after the procedure to prevent excessive bleeding or complications. You should also prop yourself up with pillows to elevate your head while sleeping to minimize swelling.

Eat Soft Foods

A soft diet is recommended in the initial days following oral surgery. Opt for easily chewable and nutrient-rich foods such as soups, smoothies, yogurt, mashed potatoes, and scrambled eggs. Avoid hot foods, spicy dishes, and crunchy foods such as seeds, nuts, and anything that requires excessive chewing. Follow the advice you receive from your Chapel Hill dentist on how to gradually reintroduce regular foods into your diet while you’re recovering.

Keep Your Mouth Clean

Maintaining good oral hygiene is crucial during the healing process. However, be gentle when cleaning your mouth to avoid disrupting and exposing the surgical site or loosening the healing tissue. Rinse your mouth with a warm saltwater solution multiple times daily, starting the day after your oral surgery. This will help to keep your mouth and the surgical area clean and promote healing.

Take Your Prescriptions

Since oral surgery often results in pain and swelling, your Chapel Hill dentist may prescribe pain medication or recommend over-the-counter pain relievers to alleviate discomfort. Take your prescription medication as directed and on schedule to stay ahead of the pain. Applying ice packs to the affected area within the first 24 to 48 hours after the surgery can also help reduce swelling and promote faster healing.

Quit Smoking And Limit Alcohol Consumption

Smoking and excessive alcohol consumption can impair healing and increase the risk of complications after oral surgery. Nicotine restricts blood vessels, reducing the flow of oxygen and vital nutrients to the surgical site. Similarly, alcohol can interfere with medications and negatively impact healing. That is why Dr. Mensah recommends quitting smoking and limiting alcohol consumption before and after the procedure to allow for proper healing of your gums.

Stay Hydrated And Maintain A Balanced Diet

Proper nutrition and hydration play a crucial role in the gums' healing process. Ensure you drink an adequate amount of water each day to stay hydrated. Consuming a balanced diet rich in vitamins, minerals, and protein can help promote tissue regeneration and overall healing. Consult your holistic dentist or a nutritionist for directions on what to eat after oral surgery if you need help finding the proper diet to speed up your recovery.

What Not To Do After Oral Surgery

Don't Brush Your Teeth Too Aggressively

Even after oral and maxillofacial surgery, brushing your teeth to maintain oral hygiene is still essential. However, you should do it gently using a soft-bristled toothbrush and carefully clean the teeth around the surgical area while avoiding the surgical site. Avoid rinsing or spitting forcefully for the first 24 hours to prevent loosening the healing tissue, dislodging the blood clot that forms in the surgical site, and impeding the healing process.

Don't Return To Normal Activities Immediately

Oral surgery procedures, such as tooth extractions, wisdom teeth removal, bone grafting, dental implants, or jaw surgery, require a recovery period to allow your body to heal properly. Returning to normal activities too soon can hinder healing, increase pain, cause bleeding or swelling, and raise the risk of complications.

If you have any doubts or concerns about returning to your routine, it's best to consult with your dentist. Dr. Mensah will evaluate your healing progress and provide personalized advice based on your specific procedure and recovery progress.

Limit Talking For A Few Hours After Surgery

You can still speak after undergoing oral or maxillofacial surgery. However, your mouth muscles and tongue move when you talk, and these movements can strain the surgical area, disturb the clots, and impede healing.

Try to limit conversations for the first few days after surgery and give your mouth ample rest. Communicate with others through writing or non-verbal gestures when necessary. Remember, the more you talk, the higher your chances of straining the surgical site.

Don't Ignore Post-Operative Instructions

Your dentist in Chapel Hill, NC will provide you with detailed post-operative instructions specific to your oral surgical procedure. It is vital to follow these instructions diligently to facilitate optimal healing. This may include guidelines on what to eat after oral surgery, pain management, oral hygiene practices, and activity limitations. Adhering to these instructions will minimize the risk of complications and promote a faster recovery.

Make Oral Surgery Simpler With Holistic Dentistry in Chapel Hill

If dental implants, root canals, wisdom teeth removal, or tooth extractions are in your future and you're looking for qualified and reliable dentists near Chapel Hill, our holistic dentistry services may be right for you.

At Integrative Holistic Dentistry, we provide effective and holistic dentistry in Chapel Hill, NC using high-quality dental technology and holistic procedures like PRF bone grafting, metal-free dental implants, dental ozone, and safe amalgam removal to speed up recovery and restore your smile.

Rather than focusing solely on your mouth, our holistic dentist in Chapel Hill, Dr. Mensah, takes time to understand your medical conditions, history, and emotional well-being to unearth the underlying cause and develop a personalized treatment plan. Take control of your oral and overall health. Book an appointment today to quickly resolve your dental problems, achieve a healthy smile, and return to your routine as soon as possible.